Wisherd Award for Outstanding National/International Humanitarian Service


Each year currently paid-up members of the UNL Emeriti and Retirees Association and all UNL administrators (departmental chairs, and directors, deans, vice chancellors, etc.) will be asked to nominate members of the UNL Emeriti and Retirees Association who have provided outstanding humanitarian service nationally or internationally. Such service may include sharing time and talents with non-governmental organizations; governmental committees/boards/agencies; health, education and economic development organizations; disaster relief organizations; and similar entities that exist for the purpose of providing humanitarian assistance to others. The Maude E. Wisherd Fund provides a $500 award to recognize outstanding national/international humanitarian service by an Association member. 


Public recognition of honorees will focus attention on the volunteer work by retirees, promote the UNL Emeriti and Retirees Association and encourage other retirees to consider ways they might be of service to others.


Eligibility and Criteria

 • Nominee must have been retired from the University for at least two years. 

• Only volunteer service provided since retirement shall be considered. 

• To be considered volunteer service, there must be no compensation. 

• Only volunteer service to governmental or tax-exempt organizations shall be considered. 

• Members of the selection committee must recuse themselves if nominated for this award. 


Nomination Process 

• Around April 1of each year a call will be issued for nominations. 

• Any Association member or UNL Administrator may nominate a member of the UNL Emeriti and Retirees Association who has provided outstanding humanitarian service nationally or internationally for a sustained period of time. 

• Nominator should complete and submit the nomination form. 

• Deadline for submitting the nomination is May 15. 

• The Awards Selection Committee will conclude its work and identify the awardee by the end of May. The award will be announced at the September Association meeting. 

Only the nominee chosen to receive this award will be notified of his/her nomination/selection. 


Recognition Process

• At the September Association luncheon meeting the individual selected to receive this award will be recognized and presented a certificate that reflects the honor being received. 

• The Association will contribute $500 in honor of the recipient to the UNL Emeriti & Retirees Scholarship Fund. • The Association will broadly publicize the award in campus publications, community publications, the Association’s newsletter and website with a picture of the recipient and a brief description of the volunteer work that led to the recognition. 


Email Nomination Form and Letter to: 

Patricia Crews (Pcrews1@unl.edu) 

Awards Committee Chair

 UNL Emeriti and Retirees Association

If you have questions, please contact Pat Crews by email (Pcrews1@unl.edu).