ERA/OLLI International Issues Discussion Group
International Discussion Group Covers the World: Every month the International Discussion Group grapples with current topics from all corners of the globe. The discussions have been so engaging that participants can’t seem to wait for the next month’s session.
Led in alternate months by Emeriti members David Forsythe and Peter Levitov and Adjunct Professor at the Medical School Beth Ann Brooks, each session addresses three or four timely international issues. The leaders introduce the topics and raise stimulating questions for the participants. A few times a year they bring in guest speakers with particular knowledge about a specific country or region or a topic of current importance. Forty to fifty people, including OLLI members, regularly attend from September through May. Folks in attendance share diverse perspectives and often bring their own expertise and/or personal experiences to the conversations. Time passes quickly as most participants actively contribute to the dialogue.
Some of the discussions have focused on:
- The ebola crisis in West Africa
- The use of drones for intelligence and warfare
- Global migration
- The quest for stability in the Middle East: Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Palestine
- Brexit
- International humanitarian organizations
- Tumblings of a possible new Cold War with China

The group meets on the first Wednesday, September through May, from 3:00-4:30 at Gere Library, South 56th Street and Normal Boulevard. Just drop in. No sign-up or registration fee is required.
Read about the creation of this group and the history of its first ten years HERE.
Contact Peter Levitov ( with questions, comments, suggestions and to be added to email list of meeting notifications.