man takes a video recording of a luncheon

Learn through presentations and discussions of current issues 

Luncheon meetings that focus on current programs and issues within the university are presented live and also videotaped for online viewing.

a group of era members stand on memorial field and listen to a tour leader

Stay connected to UNL by special opportunities for tours and talks

After a tour of HuskerVision headquarters in West Stadium, ERA members hear more about the program as they stand on the field in Memorial Stadium.

ERA members enjoying coffee at the Good Life Coffee Shop

Enjoy fellowship among members

Members gather at informal monthly Coffee House Chats and the International Issues Discussion Group September through May.

Who is eligible to join?

  • Persons holding emeritus status from UNL
  • UNL professional, office, and service personnel who are 55 years or older and qualify for retirement benefits
  • Persons holding emeritus status from another university or college and now living in Nebraska
  • Any spouse or partner of a retired or deceased member

What about dues?

  • The first year is free. Thereafter, the dues are $25 per year.

How do I join?

Yes, it's that simple! Because the first year is free, all you need to do is sign up online. By letting us know of your desire to join and providing your email address, we’ll send monthly invitations to luncheons, socials and tours.

“The monthly luncheons are a great opportunity to eat with others and hear great programs. Spouses, partners, and friends are welcome at luncheon and other ERA events." - Linda Boeckner 

“I love Coffee House Chat events. It gives me a chance to meet new people or chat with old friends.” - Julie Johnson