Board of Directors comprised of Officers, Directors and Standing Committee Chairs
2025 Officers:
President: Pam Edwards
President-Elect: Vicki Highstreet
Secretary: Kim Hachiya
Treasurer: Debbie Hendricks
Past President: Larry Dlugosh
Directors (Elected Board Members):
2025* - Tom McFarland, Nancy Mitchell
2026* - Gary Heusel, Rita Kean
2027* - Jim Lewis, Lyda Snodgrass
*Term ends
Standing Committees
The committee oversees the annual Wisherd Awards, funded by the association.
Marjorie Kostelnik (chair), Pat Crews, Bob Diffendal, Rita Kean, Jake Kirkland Jr.
The Benefits Committee advocates for the continuation and enhancement of current benefits and establishment of new ones available through UNL to Association members and all retirees.
The committee also strives to promote the identification and/or creation of additional benefits that may be available to members through associations and partnerships with UNL and the offices of state and local government.
Current benefits can be found HERE.
Roshan Pajnigar
Bylaws and Policies
Bylaws and Policies is responsible for periodically reviewing the bylaws and policies of the Association and recommending changes. Bylaws changes are approved by the membership, policy changes by the Board.
James Griesen and Julie Johnson (co-chairs)
Campus Engagement Committee
The Campus Engagement Committee will explore and consider opportunities for Association members to provide volunteer services that enhance the student experience and provide support for University programs.
Sylvana Airan (chair), Linda Major
Digital Communications
The Digital Communications Committee keeps track of all changes to Association programs and activities featured on the Association’s website as well as new programs and activities and communicates these to UNL for posting on the website.
Alfred Stark (chair), Paul Harmon, Linda Major, Bruce Mitchell
Educational Activities
The Educational Activities Committee is responsible for promoting and conducting programs of interest to the Association. This includes, but is not limited to, planning tours on and off campus, maintaining a collaborative relationship with Osher Lifetime Learning Institute (OLLI), and planning/promoting other educational events. The Committee is also involved in producing and maintaining oral histories based upon extended interviews with UNL faculty, staff and administrators sharing thoughts on their experiences and time at UNL.
Nancy Mitchell, in conjunction with Program Committee
- Maintain a database of names and addresses of Association members and the surviving spouse/partner of deceased members, including information for categorizing members in ways relevant to Association business and activities;
- Produce electronic mailing lists requested by officers, the Board, committee chairs and other agencies approved by the Board.
Policy for Sharing Member Information:
- All information in the database can be shared with the UNL Accounting Office (the original source of the information) whenever requested.
- Names and mailing addresses can be made available to the UN Foundation or UN President for the annual Foundation and President Emeriti luncheons.
- Names and mailing addresses can be made available to the UNL print shop or campus post office for Association business.
- All or parts of the database can be made available to Association officers, the Board and standing committee chairs.
- Any other use or sharing of information from the database requires approval by the Board, and if granted, shall be one-time use for the specific purpose of the request. If the Board is unavailable, approval can be given by unanimous consent of the president, vice-president, and past-president or other board members should one or more of these officers be unavailable.
Don Weeks (chair), Gary Heusel, Alfred Stark
The Programs Committee is chaired by the Vice President/President-Elect and is responsible for identifying and scheduling speakers for the monthly luncheon meetings that are held during the academic year. Committee members make all venue and food service reservations and staff the check-in table at the monthly meetings..
Vicki Highstreet and Tom McFarland (co-chairs), Stan Campbell, John Hibbing, Jim Lewis, Hugh McDermott, Linda Schwartzkopf, Lyda Snodgrass
The Committee has responsibility for producing materials highlighting Association activities including at least two newsletters a year, one in the spring and one in the fall, for distribution to the membership and others with an interest in Association activities. These contain information related to events, programs, members and other information of significance to the Association and it membership. Past newsletters are available under the Association Newsletters item.
Connie Boehm (chair), Mary Garbacz
The Scholarships Committee oversees the administration of the Association’s scholarship program and is responsible for proposing scholarship fundraising campaigns to the Board. Following approval by the Board the Scholarships Committee implements and manages the fundraising campaigns.
Earl Hawkey and James Griesen (co-chairs)
Social Activities
The Social Activities Committee is to promote good fellowship among the emeriti and retirees of UNL. The Committee is responsible for scheduling coffee house chats, holiday events, and other social activities.
Jane Zatechka and James Griesen (co-chairs)