The UNL ERA President’s Welcome – January 2025
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Emeriti and Retirees Association (ERA)
A Community of Friends, Learning, Action, Fun and More!
Happy and Healthful New Year and Welcome to the UNL Emeriti and Retirees Association!
By way of introduction, I am Pam Edwards, and I am following Larry Dlugosh as president of the UNL ERA. I want to thank Larry for his visionary and action-packed leadership during 2024 and to thank the terrific ERA board and committee members for their creative and dedicated work for the ERA. Larry set the ERA on a path developing and implementing a 2024 strategic plan with five goals to guide the organization. Work on this plan is well underway, and the ERA board is already at work planning for 2025.
This leads me to where I see ERA heading in 2025. As with any forward-thinking organization, directions may change but to get us going – a vision I have for the ERA is as follows:
Build on the firm foundation that has been established over the years for the UNL ERA by providing today’s members with a variety of opportunities for involvement while planning for the future of an expanding and dynamic ERA community. The focus of this vibrant community today and tomorrow must be directed toward expanding the membership; presenting timely educational programs and social activities; supporting students (financially through scholarships and as mentors); identifying important issues for the ERA to study; encouraging member involvement in areas of interest; investigating new partnerships for the ERA; studying business operations to address a growing organization; organizing volunteer activities for members to help serve others in the UNL and Lincoln communities; and of course, having fun.
My history with the ERA began shortly after I retired in 2022. I was immediately welcomed by a wonderful community of friends and this ERA community has given me the chance to maintain a connection with UNL but in new ways. I have… Met new friends and reconnected with UNL friends from my working days. Learned and enjoyed fun times at the monthly programs/luncheons, tours, social events, committee meetings, and other activities. And volunteered at service events at UNL and in the Lincoln community. Those opportunities and more are open to all involved with the ERA.
I encourage each of you to get involved in the ERA community in whatever way fits you and your lifestyle. If you have areas of interest, ideas, and/or questions please let an ERA board member and/or me know. For a quick overview of all our programs and activities (as well as a long listing of benefits associated with ERA membership), please go to our website
An exciting 2025 awaits, I am thankful for all of you, and I look forward to getting to know you!
Be Well –
Tours & Activities

After a tour of HuskerVision headquarters, ERA members hear more about it while standing on the field in Memorial Stadium.
Luncheon Meetings

Luncheon meetings that focus on current programs and issues within the university are presented live and also videotaped for online viewing.
Fun & Fellowship

Members gather at informal Coffee House Chats and an International Issues Discussion Group.